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The Integrity Installation is part of a process dealing with personal and territorial integrity.
Inspired by my own role as a mother, boundaries and/or overstepped boundaries are an important aspect of my artistic theme. I consider abuse and misuse, re-use and being used as ways of ignoring the integrity of the Other, be it human, animal, territory, object/substance.
Teabags have been part of my work since 2010, where I used them in a work that dealt with rape and the resulting pregnancy. The fragility of teabags and the state of being “used” interested me. Combining wire with teabags expresses the opposing relationship between violence, harshness, and masculinity with femininity, vulnerability, and domestic comfort.
Although as harsh and violent razor wire may look, its shadows reflected onto the ceiling give way for dreams, hopes, and future.

Installation consisting of three razor wire sculptures with used teabags, vegetable mesh, thread and lights.

1. The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles
2. Moral uprightness
3. The state of being whole and undivided: “territorial integrity”